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[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:36am
If you could all go through the suggestions and rate up the ones you like, that'd be great. Shows me what stuff people like, and if Brad sees that there's a lot of interest in a certain idea, he'll be more inclined to add it.

It'll only take a couple of minutes, and could help get something done here. I've stickied the ones I personally like and would like to see added, but if you could check out the ones that aren't stickied too, that'd be awesome.

Thanks. :up

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 03:42am
You get any of those suggestions to become a reality and I'll have your baby. We'll be fucking rich after it's born cuz I'mma dude.


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 04:00am
There is plenty of suggestions.... Brad wont even bother looking thru and select to add what most players like to see ... he will just laugh and say it aint happening!! :angel:

Thats why many ppl left, cuz Brad doesnt listen! :down

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 04:01am
ReBeL ReDnEcK wrote:
There is plenty of suggestions.... Brad wont even bother looking thru and select to add what most players like to see ... he will just laugh and say it aint happening!! :angel:

Thats why many ppl left, cuz Brad doesnt listen! :down

That's what I hope this will achieve. If enough people are interested in an idea(s) he may just do something about it. :p Especially if I nag at him for days on end like I did with crimes. :D



Post Count: 71
Respect: -33 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 07:35am
I want the fm spot i have reference showing i can do it



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
22 Aug 2014 11:50am
#TeamPete wrote:
If you could all go through the suggestions and rate up the ones you like, that'd be great. Shows me what stuff people like, and if Brad sees that there's a lot of interest in a certain idea, he'll be more inclined to add it.

It'll only take a couple of minutes, and could help get something done here. I've stickied the ones I personally like and would like to see added, but if you could check out the ones that aren't stickied too, that'd be awesome.

Thanks. :up

If Brad took the time to look at suggestions in the first place he would see what people are after. Lazy shit he is

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