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Forum >> News and Announcements >> And her we go...

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Rating: 2 [+3 -1]

[GNK] Gunk

Post Count: 8
Respect: 241 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 04:35am
Soes... Pete is gone, Theirs only myself and brad left... Here's the deal...

I have no probs with you guys beating and putting players into place so long as it is in game...

I don't care about if youguys fight back and forth...

Here are my ground rules...

Trolling is okay so long as you don't take it too far...

If yer being a little bitch about things, fuck off, I have the final say and not brad so get that out f your head

IDGAF, who you are on any other server, and, what you do here... those paths do not cross...

Give some respect, quit being whining little bitches, and also realize I owe you no explanations over what I do so fuck off when you come crying to chat when I make small adjustments.

that is all

[GK] Vyper


Post Count: 48
Respect: 1833 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 04:37am



Post Count: 223
Respect: 107 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 04:43am

[DG] Akeno Bunny


Post Count: 137
Respect: 2050 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 04:58am
Vyper wrote:

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 05:13am
I'm not gone, I got fucked over. Removed from GM with no explanation as to why, and Brad keeps ignoring/avoiding me when I ask him. People wonder why the game is dying? Down to shit management.
This game has gone to shit and the only way to bring it back to what it was is to get a new owner, but that'll never happen. So fuck Brad.

Diggitydognutz wrote:
Vyper wrote:

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 05:18am
P.S bring back my green name pls, thnx



Post Count: 223
Respect: 107 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 05:18am
Bassjacker wrote:
I'm not gone, I got fucked over. Removed from GM with no explanation as to why, and Brad keeps ignoring/avoiding me when I ask him. People wonder why the game is dying? Down to shit management.
This game has gone to shit and the only way to bring it back to what it was is to get a new owner, but that'll never happen. So fuck Brad.

Diggitydognutz wrote:
Vyper wrote:

I 100% agree with Pete... This game / mc1 too needs mroe attention...
Recode? Were the heack is it? It was said to be here months ago....

[710] Mr. Dabbalicious


Post Count: 26
Respect: 331 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 05:19am

9 months ago apparently. :lol: It's an utter joke. :roll:



Post Count: 223
Respect: 107 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 05:21am
Bassjacker wrote:

9 months ago apparently. :lol: It's an utter joke. :roll:

That would be right.. As much as dale was a dick head with his corrupt doings he actually did work on the game... monthly....



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 06:49am
How bout we get some new management up in herrr and this game isn't dying, for as long as I've been active it's went from 140-160 active players every other week (and the other way around), it's not dying, just not growing, or gaining new players because of the lack of management, and the lack of development or new content and ideas. If there weren't shit talkers (partly my fault haha), and more diverse gangs (There are like 2 huge active ones), maybe people who don't spend hundreds of dollars for almost nothing in return (yeah pointing to brads laziness), except disrespect, and able to ward everybody (and also go on drunken rants). Which the people do not deserve.. also instead of putting a link at the bottom of the city page put the referral link in their face, and have a better reward than what is it, 10 points? These ideas theoretically, in my opinion, would help the server grow, so A. Make the big gangs into smaller gangs B. Get some new management that would be willing to code. C. Don't make any drastic moves like making it mc extreme.. that's the thing that put mc in stasis in the first place. And bring pete back for Pete's sake. Haha see what I did there?



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 07:36am
Gunk wrote:

quit being whining little bitches, and also realize I owe you no explanations over what I do so fuck off when you come crying to chat when I make small adjustments.

that is all

Are you hearing that TAI gang and one particular person




Post Count: 640
Respect: 313 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 09:15am
:p wowwie wow wow !!!
It's about time someone just tosses there's hands up and said fucki it let's crash this bitch it's over its all done shut it down let all go home hit the lights ... No recode so suggestions no hope it's a FEMA situation * hits panic button * .......

Thanks for playing everyone


Post Count: 87
Respect: 665 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 10:13pm
i agree with what gunks saying :up and also what archer said :P

Soi Fong


Post Count: 3
Respect: 112 [+] [-]
25 Nov 2014 11:34pm

IHazJelly Bunny


Post Count: 5
Respect: 189 [+] [-]
26 Nov 2014 03:13pm
ME Sucks Gunks COCK

[tHï] Sonicchillydogs


Post Count: 95
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
26 Nov 2014 10:37pm
Well Gunk is powertripping.

Sorry to tell you Gunk but Brad does have the final say, if he wants to remove you from staff and ban your IP globally he can do that.

He is in control not you so please pull your head out of your arse. :up



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
26 Nov 2014 10:43pm
Mr.ChillyDogs wrote:
Well Gunk is powertripping.

Sorry to tell you Gunk but Brad does have the final say, if he wants to remove you from staff and ban your IP globally he can do that.

He is in control not you so please pull your head out of your arse. :up

I disagree with you completely, Gunk and Pete have done actions to help the server grow, while brad was sitting there masturbating his vagina. If anybody has any say of what goes on here, it would be Gunk, as no one on this server, (if any for that matter) respects brad.

[DG] Kobrakai


Post Count: 3
Respect: 794 [+] [-]
26 Nov 2014 10:44pm
Mr Cold wrote:
Gunk wrote:

quit being whining little bitches, and also realize I owe you no explanations over what I do so fuck off when you come crying to chat when I make small adjustments.

that is all

Are you hearing that TAI gang and one particular person


:lol: :lol: :lol: 8) :up



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
26 Nov 2014 10:46pm
Mr Cold wrote:
Gunk wrote:

quit being whining little bitches, and also realize I owe you no explanations over what I do so fuck off when you come crying to chat when I make small adjustments.

that is all

Are you hearing that TAI gang and one particular person


If your talking about me I haven't been whining..

[tHï] Sonicchillydogs


Post Count: 95
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
26 Nov 2014 10:48pm
Red Reddington wrote:
Mr.ChillyDogs wrote:
Well Gunk is powertripping.

Sorry to tell you Gunk but Brad does have the final say, if he wants to remove you from staff and ban your IP globally he can do that.

He is in control not you so please pull your head out of your arse. :up

I disagree with you completely, Gunk and Pete have done actions to help the server grow, while brad was sitting there masturbating his vagina. If anybody has any say of what goes on here, it would be Gunk, as no one on this server, (if any for that matter) respects brad.

Doesn't matter what they do.

Brad owns the servers, he owns the code, he owns this domain.

This game is his if he wants to destroy it right this second he could.

Gunk wouldn't be able to do shit.

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