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Forum >> News and Announcements >> Goodbye gang businesses

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Rating: 2 [+2 -0]

[TET] udk


Post Count: 32
Respect: -2 [+] [-]
27 Nov 2014 08:01pm
The old gang businesses are going to be deleted to make way for new, more profitable gang businesses. The number will be reduced from 9 to 3 with much higher payouts for each.

Should be doing this tomorrow assuming there's no (sensible) reasons not to - leave a comment if you have a suggestion about these.

Will also be doing server upgrades tomorrow at some point.

[tHï] Terry Mardy


Post Count: 169
Respect: 1059 [+] [-]
27 Nov 2014 08:02pm

[BBI] TunaSalmon


Post Count: 228
Respect: -71 [+] [-]
27 Nov 2014 08:06pm
<3 :D :D

[BG] 10278


Post Count: 106
Respect: 411 [+] [-]
28 Nov 2014 09:31pm
still waiting :D


Post Count: 111
Respect: 58 [+] [-]
29 Nov 2014 03:53am
and waiting also... :angel:

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
29 Nov 2014 04:04am
udk wrote:
The old gang businesses are going to be deleted to make way for new, more profitable gang businesses. The number will be reduced from 9 to 3 with much higher payouts for each.

Should be doing this tomorrow assuming there's no (sensible) reasons not to - leave a comment if you have a suggestion about these.

Will also be doing server upgrades tomorrow at some point.




Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
29 Nov 2014 07:02am
He's on britland time guys, we'll be seeing this, about 5 o'clock to nebaarrrr! :-z

[=V=] DatBoi Stoopid


Post Count: 329
Respect: -5 [+] [-]
12 Dec 2014 01:19pm
When is this happening? It's been over 2 weeks



Post Count: 396
Respect: 446 [+] [-]
13 Dec 2014 12:43am
udk wrote:
The old gang businesses are going to be deleted to make way for new, more profitable gang businesses. The number will be reduced from 9 to 3 with much higher payouts for each.

Should be doing this tomorrow assuming there's no (sensible) reasons not to - leave a comment if you have a suggestion about these.

Will also be doing server upgrades tomorrow at some point.

Must have found a reason.. :x


Post Count: 87
Respect: 665 [+] [-]
21 Dec 2014 06:48am
Journal Entry #1:

It has been 24 days since brad made the empty promise to change our country. He promised to add a new market that will insure a decrease in overall poverty. I have seen women raped and children murdered in front of my very eyes. This war will take its course until the day that he meets our needs. Until such a day i will be waiting with my trusty friends of Exitiabilis. My friends and i once held some of the old unreasonably unprofitable businesses. However, not long after i was give control over Exitiabilis, Simply's the insane crew of TAI plundered our buildings, raped out wives and converted the businesses into some of their own. I bet they were feeling lucky bout having claimed these, but that was before we were given a new hope by president brad. Now they sit in their self-hugging jackets realizing how useless these businesses are.

[tHï] Bigsexy


Post Count: 96
Respect: 211 [+] [-]
21 Dec 2014 07:48am
mumble901 wrote:
Journal Entry #1:

It has been 24 days since brad made the empty promise to change our country. He promised to add a new market that will insure a decrease in overall poverty. I have seen women raped and children murdered in front of my very eyes. This war will take its course until the day that he meets our needs. Until such a day i will be waiting with my trusty friends of Exitiabilis. My friends and i once held some of the old unreasonably unprofitable businesses. However, not long after i was give control over Exitiabilis, Simply's the insane crew of TAI plundered our buildings, raped out wives and converted the businesses into some of their own. I bet they were feeling lucky bout having claimed these, but that was before we were given a new hope by president brad. Now they sit in their self-hugging jackets realizing how useless these businesses are.



Post Count: 87
Respect: 665 [+] [-]
22 Dec 2014 10:43pm
Journal Entry #2: Day 25

Our city has yet to improve after president Brad's empty promise. Unlike any other days,Brad actually made a public appearance today, but as always it was not for long. I was lucky enough to ask him when we will get our businesses, i was given his usual answer, nothing. Wait, what is this? It seems as if brad is calling my name. I must go now and see where this echoing voice takes me.


Post Count: 87
Respect: 665 [+] [-]
24 Dec 2014 08:26pm
Journal Entry #3: Day 27

I did not have time to write yesterday, i spent most of the day waiting for brad. It was an ignorant choice as i should have known that he would never show. Today however i am making progress, brad is showing signs of understanding what is happening. The city may have hope after all.

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