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Forum >> Suggestions >> Tips on Making game more interesting

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[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 02:59am
We should come together to make this game more interesting this game has what it takes to be a good game but it does get boring quick which is why I was thinking of changing it up a bit.

Such as bunnys should be like our dealers every gangs bunnies should split their income like 3-5% of total points gained per day week w.e or something along those lines goes into the vault in exchange all non payers get targeted by the gang member (non bunnies) money gained from non payers should be split same way with some of the earnings going into the vault this is used to better the gang or war or w.e needed I believe this alone will causes war and other fun events for people.
It needs to be tweaked I a little but something along those guide lines

Another thing if approved by the admins I think it's stupid how u can cert out hospital 1000x's and get killed by same player all 1000 of those times I think there should honestly be a time limit like you can't attack same player until 5 mins after your previous attack I think this will motivate more people to get stronger so they can actively help out their gang motivates more people to take part in their gang rather then just leave everything upon one person to deal with got a few more ideas to but if anyone got any ideas as well please post. Hopefully this won't get shot down

I feel with both of these people would benefit off one another more rather then just have 1 guy in a gang full of bunnies he would mix of a couple good players and bunnys to increase his earnings and be able to protect his income

Thanks for your time



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:17am
Mad Joker wrote:
in exchange all non payers get targeted by the gang member (non bunnies) money gained from non payers should be split

I have an issue with this section but the rest sounded ok i guess

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:19am
Thanks bro lol of course you would :lol:

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:28am
Wouldn't it be cool if you could form your own business out of thin air? Like real life while still making the game fair?? And enjoyable for others? I think this should be a no brained. Sure gang business is cool but I think this would be cooler if we could get everyone on same page

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:40am
I think it's pretty fair like I'm a bunny on mc1 I would except this in a heart beat I think it's completely fair. Think about it this way there is no limit to what you can do this is pretty much the door we need with this in the future we can start paying our fellow members for being active in a tribe or put money to get Maisonette for active members bunnys need us as much as we need them we will rely on each other not only that but war will change as well we could keep gangs in hospital for payments to get unwarded there is no limit to how far we can push this and hey if they aren't cool with that they don't have to take part in it if they think they could do without it then so be it but I think this is the direction we should head in

William Bunny

Post Count: 16
Respect: 442 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:42am
"I think there should honestly be a time limit like you can't attack same player until 5 mins after your" i dont think it whould be 5 mins but like 2 or 3 bc i have played games with 2.5 and that seems about right, i like your ideas man

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:43am
Thank you bud I agree with that or you can't attack or be attacked under 25% or 30% hp this way certs don't get ruled out

William Bunny

Post Count: 16
Respect: 442 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:48am
Mad Joker wrote:
Thank you bud I agree with that or you can't attack or be attacked under 25% or 30% hp this way certs don't get ruled out

i agree, but for the payment of the 3-5% i think it should be auto take out so we dont have to calculate it on our own, thats for both bunnies and hitters payments

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 03:49am
Like that idea you mean like a gang option? I think that will take to much coding tho :-r



Post Count: 52
Respect: 864 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 04:03am
to avoid being attacked for 5 mins use -5's to get out of ward.

issue with the 5 min rule is that the gap in hof will never be catchable if quick cides/rush hits arnt done

Flaming Fists Of Fury


Post Count: 3
Respect: 60 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 10:13am
Mr Cold wrote:
Mad Joker wrote:
in exchange all non payers get targeted by the gang member (non bunnies) money gained from non payers should be split

I have an issue with this section but the rest sounded ok i guess

Flaming Fists Of Fury


Post Count: 3
Respect: 60 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 10:15am
That attack limit sounds good though



Post Count: 58
Respect: 55 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 10:29am
The paragraph about the attack limit is a step by step guide on how to kill the game off....most of the people on the game levelled up off bunnies with suicides or rapids, how the fuck are people meant to catch up if they put in a 5 minute rule?

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 05:36pm
That shouldn't have nothing to do with that bro for one the person your attacking inst going into hospital only you are so you should be allowed to suicide I'm talking about for the person who gets attacked and ends up in hospital there should be a gap from him getting attacked again by same player

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 05:41pm
Or maybe when players is under certain hp he shouldn't be attacked type of deal



Post Count: 58
Respect: 55 [+] [-]
10 Jan 2015 11:11pm
Oh I see what you mean so, there is only a gap if the person who got attacked goes to hosp?

It still removes rapids but I think cides are more common anyway

[MOB] Mr. Montana

Post Count: 106
Respect: 128 [+] [-]
11 Jan 2015 04:06am
Yup exactly

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