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Forum >> General Chat >> Vault Boy

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Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 05:42am
Everyone else seems to be posting bullshit threads in violation of the TOS under the General Chat Heading.

I'd thought I would do the same.

-Vault Boy Was Here, For No Reason At All.



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 08:07am
Those rules are years old :roll:

The forums aren't as lively as they used to be. Imo as long as it keeps players interested in posting; why not let it fly?



Post Count: 177
Respect: -72 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 02:10pm
:up :up



Post Count: 330
Respect: 138 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 04:47pm
Fallout 4 tho

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 06:20pm
EaglesxLegend wrote:
Those rules are years old :roll:

The forums aren't as lively as they used to be. Imo as long as it keeps players interested in posting; why not let it fly?

So we should scamm too if the game becomes more active am i right?



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 06:27pm
2 completely different things, but i see where you're going with this.

I see the forums as more of a grey area.

[tHï] Sonicchillydogs


Post Count: 95
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 07:34pm
If you are able to scam someone then it's there own fault for being stupid.

Do it. :up

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 09:38pm
EaglesxLegend wrote:
2 completely different things, but i see where you're going with this.

I see the forums as more of a grey area.

Regardless theres rules that should be followed. Simply posting music videos and such should be going into off topic. People are really that lazy to move there mouse down approximately an inch or so to click the other category?



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 10:05pm
Off-topic has just always been a slow category. I don't see what the big deal is anyways. Someones just trying to be a rule nazi.

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 10:15pm
EaglesxLegend wrote:
Off-topic has just always been a slow category. I don't see what the big deal is anyways. Someones just trying to be a rule nazi.

:lol: I've seen people get forum banned for less.

[tHï] Sonicchillydogs


Post Count: 95
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
17 Mar 2015 10:49pm
Vault Boy wrote:
EaglesxLegend wrote:
Off-topic has just always been a slow category. I don't see what the big deal is anyways. Someones just trying to be a rule nazi.

:lol: I've seen people get forum banned for less.

Really? Please do give an instance. The only time I have ever seen stupid shit is when I called Ryan out on MC1 for being a fucktard.



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 12:05am
was banned for 4 days by brad.

His reason was "play nice" :roll:

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 02:45am
Mr Cold wrote:
was banned for 4 days by brad.

His reason was "play nice" :roll:

Theres your "one" instance.

There have been others. Hence the reason why most of the players we have left are schmucks

Summertime fun


Post Count: 115
Respect: -25 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 02:53am
Vault Boy wrote:
EaglesxLegend wrote:
2 completely different things, but i see where you're going with this.

I see the forums as more of a grey area.

Regardless theres rules that should be followed. Simply posting music videos and such should be going into off topic. People are really that lazy to move there mouse down approximately an inch or so to click the other category?

Sounds like a personal attack on Red to me, you didn't mention anything about the THREE threads I made about music or any of the other people adding videos!.... :roll:

Summertime fun


Post Count: 115
Respect: -25 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 02:56am
This thread is lacking .............fixed

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 03:33am
O.B.E.Y wrote:
Vault Boy wrote:
EaglesxLegend wrote:
2 completely different things, but i see where you're going with this.

I see the forums as more of a grey area.

Regardless theres rules that should be followed. Simply posting music videos and such should be going into off topic. People are really that lazy to move there mouse down approximately an inch or so to click the other category?

Sounds like a personal attack on Red to me, you didn't mention anything about the THREE threads I made about music or any of the other people adding videos!.... :roll:

I would like to point out I was saying simply. I was not reference to red. People are fucking twats.

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 03:35am
And if I was attacking anybody, Trust me you'd know.

You also just add to my point. You had to go and make 3 thread, For the same fucking shit (Basically) like what the fuck?

Can't use the same thread, Noooo that ones been used.

Summertime fun


Post Count: 115
Respect: -25 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 03:36am
In true Cold style.............. :roll:

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 03:37am
O.B.E.Y wrote:
In true Cold style.............. :roll:

Cold's one of the realest people on this game. Most of you just suck the biggest dick around.

Ill tell cold off too!

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
18 Mar 2015 03:39am
Plus, If I look into it you were against red in a thread awhile back then suddenly had a change of tone.

Probably lost your balls between a rock and a hard place.

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