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Forum >> General Chat >> Just a thought

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Post Count: 121
Respect: 102 [+] [-]
08 May 2015 07:30pm
I think it would be nice if we could attack bunnies that are in our gang. I know bunnies might not agree with this..but if we were to do so, I think we should only be able to attack them on the bunny list...but also at a discounted price. What you guys think?

[tHï] lady AT WAR


Post Count: 124
Respect: 9243 [+] [-]
08 May 2015 07:39pm
great idea :up

[C0N] Drastic


Post Count: 21
Respect: -32 [+] [-]
08 May 2015 08:05pm
Funny thing is, there are plenty of bunnies who apply to non-paying gangs to get out of the "spotlight".

Personally I think it would be morally and ethically wrong to force us to pay the bunnies just because they are in our own gang.

An exception on that "bunny-list only rule" for non-paying gangs might be in place... :angel:


Post Count: 14
Respect: -16 [+] [-]
08 May 2015 08:58pm



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
09 May 2015 05:06am
I don't like the idea of "friendly fire."



Post Count: 330
Respect: 138 [+] [-]
09 May 2015 06:15am
To be honest I don't think it will work

Billy Diamonds


Post Count: 98
Respect: 36 [+] [-]
09 May 2015 04:33pm
Honestly, You cunts can do what you want, If I wanted to kill you and you were in my gang, Id just leave my gang.

I eat bunnies.



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
11 May 2015 12:33pm
Vault Boy wrote:
Honestly, You cunts can do what you want, If I wanted to kill you and you were in my gang, Id just leave my gang.

I eat bunnies.

Vaulty rules 8)

[tHï] Terry Mardy


Post Count: 169
Respect: 1059 [+] [-]
11 May 2015 06:26pm
You're asking brad to do work

are you feeling alright?



Post Count: 330
Respect: 138 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 12:35am
Genesis Bunny wrote:
You're asking brad to do work

are you feeling alright?

come brad does plenty of work.. well on his Lego spaceships

[yol] - Killer Zach -


Post Count: 447
Respect: 9540 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 01:54am
Killed Be Killed bunny wrote:
Genesis Bunny wrote:
You're asking brad to do work

are you feeling alright?

come brad does plenty of work.. well on his Lego spaceships

:lol: :lol:

[tHï] Sonicchillydogs


Post Count: 95
Respect: 392 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 09:18am
If you wanna hit them get them to leave. 8)

Brad hates bunnies, why would he do anything for them?



Post Count: 330
Respect: 138 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 09:48am
Mr.ChillyDogs wrote:
If you wanna hit them get them to leave. 8)

Brad hates bunnies, why would he do anything for them?

so true.
that and pets

[ToC] My Name Goes Here


Post Count: 309
Respect: 2403 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 02:27pm
Killed Be Killed bunny wrote:
Mr.ChillyDogs wrote:
If you wanna hit them get them to leave. 8)

Brad hates bunnies, why would he do anything for them?

so true.
that and pets
Brad does things for certain bunnies. :angel:



Post Count: 330
Respect: 138 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 02:33pm
My Name Goes Here Bunny wrote:
Killed Be Killed bunny wrote:
Mr.ChillyDogs wrote:
If you wanna hit them get them to leave. 8)

Brad hates bunnies, why would he do anything for them?

so true.
that and pets
Brad does things for certain bunnies. :angel:

sexual favors don't count



Post Count: 172
Respect: 925 [+] [-]
12 May 2015 07:13pm
Since when? :lol:

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