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[yol] - Killer Zach -


Post Count: 447
Respect: 9537 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:56pm
Make gang businesses worth warring over..

Mista Grimm Sr.


Post Count: 14
Respect: 1214 [+] [-]
12 Feb 2014 09:56pm
I'm just glad you didn't point out my typos :lol: :lol:



Post Count: 3
Respect: 350 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 03:46am
shows you how much your up or down on your account gambling

[K-C] Rover


Post Count: 0
Respect: 120 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 05:48am
Be able to transfer cash and points from MC1 to MC2 without the hassle of trusting other people

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 12:36pm
I would like to see a total workover of how training works.

Rather than click, refil awake etc we click the stat we want to train, how many points we want to spend and press the button. the server automatically works out how much would be needed to refil awake etc and boom, stats are in place

weapons/items that you can only buy with donations, passes to certain cities that you can donate for that are unavailable to non donators

a total rework of how gang crimes work, gang members have to work together to achieve bonuses in much the same way that missions work now. gang exp no longer affected by bunnies

no more open ended server, time based server with winners at the end, best in class, best bunny best hitman etc etc, rare prizes handed out that carry over to the next server etc, can be a year run

speed servers to make life interesting, short run high paced

a rethink on missions, because right now thats all everyne is doing, hits, kills protection etc take a back burner now. the only time folk get pissed off now is if someone threatens their moth. missiosn are causing TOTAL game imbalance and truning it into a battle of math rather than a ïm gonna kill you yah bastid

pets returned to their original code, yes i know brad doesnt liek them, but i dont give a fuck. they are a point sinkhole and bunnies need them, and for all those who say they add game inbalance in a non rl way, just ask anyone who has been savaged by a pitbull if they help a guy with his attack score

a return to some kind of block on the script kiddies. macro, tab wizards
this isnt a game about who has the best browser add on, it should be about tactics and team work not shift ctrl u

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 12:38pm
Rover wrote:
Be able to transfer cash and points from MC1 to MC2 without the hassle of trusting other people

this is a VERY good suggestion



Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 02:19pm
Make a transfer market, as in allow trades between mc1 and mc2 more easily,like sending points and money to your accounts on other servers.This could help get more online traffic to both games

Jungle The Monkey


Post Count: 1
Respect: 149 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 05:31pm
I like larger crimes, maybe ones that cost 1000 nerve.

Jungle The Monkey


Post Count: 1
Respect: 149 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 05:35pm
3d custamizable interface of your mobster? When you're in tje hospital your mobster has blood and a black eye.

Jungle The Monkey


Post Count: 1
Respect: 149 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 06:14pm
Gang signs, gang colors. I keep coming up with stuff as I go along lol

ban got new acc :)

Post Count: 0
Respect: 564 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 10:11pm
Make a new mc3 server so te new players have a greater change of caching players who still play after 2000 days.....



Post Count: 71
Respect: 542 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 10:27pm
Bugs wrote:
Make a new mc3 server so te new players have a greater change of caching players who still play after 2000 days.....

whos been playing for 2000 days? I don't see anyone

ban got new acc :)

Post Count: 0
Respect: 564 [+] [-]
13 Feb 2014 10:46pm
2k on mc1 1980 here :roll:



Post Count: 170
Respect: 797 [+] [-]
14 Feb 2014 01:24am
How about a auto refill button for nerve that could be turned off and on like the auto energy button.

CE Bunny FOR SALE 50k MC1 pts


Post Count: 107
Respect: 647 [+] [-]
14 Feb 2014 04:44pm
The Gangster wrote:
How about a auto refill button for nerve that could be turned off and on like the auto energy button.

:up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up :up

Silver surfer


Post Count: 1
Respect: 184 [+] [-]
14 Feb 2014 07:20pm
I agree with trades to mc1 n mc2 but la mobs aswell



Post Count: 6
Respect: 454 [+] [-]
14 Feb 2014 07:59pm
a trade button between servers and on black jack to be able to bet points as well as cash



Post Count: 0
Respect: 151 [+] [-]
14 Feb 2014 10:11pm
old school wrote:
a trade button between servers and on black jack to be able to bet points as well as cash
stealing my idea ;)


Post Count: 87
Respect: 665 [+] [-]
14 Feb 2014 10:47pm
Higher bank interest... In 100 days I could get 300mil or I could do dailies for 2 days and get much more

I agree with the POTH

I would also suggest a couple bunny bots maybe level 3-4k that once killed are hospitaliezed for an hour

Finally, hourlies things to make more money and points.... MOTH isnt enough



Post Count: 294
Respect: 0 [+] [-]
15 Feb 2014 12:30am
How about for 1 you actually acknowledge the comments in here and 2 when gang wars are happening, other gangs can't interfere. .

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